November 9, 2017
Hello Dear Friends,

The leaves are falling, the temperatures are dropping, and soon the holidays will be upon us! We have much to be thankful for this sea-son as we behold the produce of our garden and the progress we have made since June when our “test customers” jump started our garden micro-enterprise.
Just so you know: We plan to harvest your produce on Monday, November 20th for the week of Thanksgiving. We want you to be able to serve fresh produce to your loved ones on Thanksgiving if at all possible. However, since our harvesting enterprise is completely dependent upon volunteers, I will keep you updated in the event that we do not have enough help that week. Attention: our green-house event is temporarily on hold so watch for details.
Wash Your Vegetables: We have been triple washing your greens but that will end now that the cold weather has set in. We will rinse but not spin dry your greens as we have previously done. You may notice sand and soil residue in the coming weeks, so be sure to wash your produce.