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June 22, 2017

Hello Dear Friends!

This week you will have Santa Rosa plums in abundance (some will still be a bit tart and need to sweeten by standing at room temperature for a day or two). You may have a few apricots, but I must admit to being disappointed with them. We may need to take the tree out and replace it.

Small farm to table produce allows you, the shareholder, to ex-perience the imperfect tastes and textures of imperfect fruit just like the farmer. It is a challenge for me to include it in the basket, but perhaps you will find something interesting to do with them as I have. Less than perfect fruit makes it’s way into a fruit sorbet in our home. Mass harvesting would certainly discard them. I have even begun to make home-made fruit vinegars with less than beautiful fruit.

Just About Ripe

• Apricots

• Nectarines

• Cherry Tomatoes

Modesto Pick Up Spot

Becky Slaughter has graciously given us her home as our Wellspring Charitable Garden Modesto Pick-Up Spot. Thank you Becky!!

Remember, if you are not a weekly shareholder (i.e. paid $500 in advance), you must pick up your basket each week, every other week, or every month at the following address:

1717 Castilla Way

Modesto, CA

(209) 743-0523

Cross streets are near Rumble, Keller, Coffee Rd

Please Call or Text Becky Slaughter to make sure your basket has been delivered to her house for pick up. Her phone is: (209) 743-0523.

You must cancel your basket by midnight on Wednesday night so your produce does not go to waste. Please text Cindi at (209) 607-1887.

We will likely deliver between 1 pm and 6 pm on Thursdays. However, Becky has graciously ex-tended that time to 8 pm.


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